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April Puzzler

April 23rd, 2024 by Kathryn Hansen

Update on May 21, 2024: This image shows a phytoplankton bloom in the Gulf of Oman. It was acquired on March 17, 2024, less than two months after the launch of NASA’s PACE (Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem) satellite. Congratulations to Dan Taylor for being the first to correctly identify the bloom and its location. Special mention goes to Robert Taylor for providing a detailed answer, and to Timotheus Fasana, who was the only person to correctly guess the satellite and instrument. Read more about the bloom in our Image of the Day story.

Every month on Earth Matters, we offer a puzzling satellite image. The April 2024 puzzler is shown above. Your challenge is to use the comments section to tell us where it is, what we are looking at, and why it is interesting. The location of this puzzler might be relatively easy to identify, so bonus points go to those who weigh in on the “what” and “why.”

How to answer. You can use a few words or several paragraphs. You might simply tell us the location, or you can dig deeper and offer details about what satellite and instrument produced the image, what spectral bands were used to create it, or what is compelling about some obscure feature. If you think something is interesting or noteworthy, tell us about it.

The prize. We cannot offer prize money or a trip on the International Space Station, but we can promise you credit and glory. Well, maybe just credit. Within a week after a puzzler image appears on this blog, we will post an annotated and captioned version as our Image of the Day. After we post the answer, we will acknowledge the first person to correctly identify the image at the bottom of this blog post. We also may recognize readers who offer the most interesting tidbits of information. Please include your preferred name or alias with your comment. If you work for or attend an institution that you would like to recognize, please mention that as well.

Recent winners. If you have won the puzzler in the past few months, or if you work in geospatial imaging, please hold your answer for at least a day to give less experienced readers a chance.

Releasing comments. Savvy readers have solved some puzzlers after a few minutes. To give more people a chance, we may wait 24 to 48 hours before posting comments. Good luck!

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117 Responses to “April Puzzler”

  1. Thomas_U says:

    Gulf of Oman and Strait of Hormuz

  2. Carry Carr says:

    Strait of Hormuz, Persian Gulf

  3. Sezer Teker says:

    Persian Gulf, heavy historical importance (trade between Mesopotamia and India&China&Indochina) and currently of strategic importance (Iraq War, Iran-USA Relations).

  4. James Varghese says:

    Harmful algal bloom across the Gulf of Oman. Satellite Imagery (MODIS/VIIRS) was probably acquired on 17th of March, 2024.

  5. Dan Taylor says:

    This is the Straight of Hormuz and Gulf of Oman. The Arabian Peninsula is to the southwest and Iran to the north in this image. The importance of the region for oil and politics aside, it looks like there might be an algae bloom in the Gulf of Oman as seen by the green swirls in the ocean currents.

  6. Scott Pressman says:

    I believe that is the Strait of Hormuz and the gulf of Oman

  7. Ryan S says:

    Algae blooms in the Gulf of Oman off the coast of Oman, Iran, and The UAE.

    • Ryan S says:

      I’ll also add that this can spread all the way to India and depletes much of the region of oxygen.

  8. Arvid Nelson says:

    Straits of Hormuz

  9. Doug LeMere says:

    Ras Al-Khalmah, United Arab Emirates in the Gulf of Oman

  10. Christopher J Stephens says:

    That’s the Musandam Peninsula! I went swimming in the fjords there back in 2017. Amazingly isolated (you can Google “round the bend” to see where the expression came from).

  11. Steve Richardson says:

    Gulf of Oman. The patterns on the water could be an oil spill, algae, or fresh water. Or something else.
    Most likely an oil spill.

  12. Mark Kuebel says:

    This is an easy one — the Straits of Hormuz between Oman and Iran.
    Geopolitically and economically significant as a huge amount of carbon footprint oil passes through this straight even today, at a time we can no longer afford to burn oil or gas for their useful efficiency.

  13. Peter Dyce says:

    The location is easy by the coast line it is the Gulf of Oman
    I guess the reason for interest is the satellite (Aqua ? )
    Is registering lots of reflectance in the water from an algal blume.
    Clean water usually absorbs most wavelengths. Only blue light penetrates to any depth.
    The blume is indicating the gyrations of ocean currents in the gulf

  14. Doug LeMere says:

    Gulf of Oman in the Arabian Sea

    The Gulf of Oman turns green twice a year, when an algae bloom the size of Mexico spreads across the Arabian Sea. Scientists studying the algae tie it to climate change that is threatening the food chain and the marine ecosystem.

    Scientists trace the blooms to melting ice in the Himalayas, raising temperatures, stronger monsoons, fueling the growth of this algae.

  15. John Campey says:

    Straits of Hormuz , Yemen coastline..

  16. J. Martelino says:

    In the spirit of Jeopardy — Is this the Dead Zone of the Arabian sea?

  17. John Campey says:

    Straits of Hormuz, Yemen coastline

  18. John Campey says:

    Yemen Coast

  19. Brian Richardson says:

    This is the Strait of Hormuz between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. The UAE is at the point of the southern land mass and Iran to the north. Through this narrow opening at the southern end of the Arabian Gulf, aka the Persian Gulf, move all the ships from Iran and Qatar oil/gas ports as well as all movement of goods to/from Bahrain, UAE, Kuwait and Qatar. It is a strategic sea lane that is often much contested. The picture presented shows how the sea current are moving out of the Gulf as they are laden with swirling sediment as it exits the “nozzle” of the strait, thereby making this a navigation challenge as well.

  20. Steve Mullany says:

    Strait of Hormuz

  21. Ginger Stallard says:

    This is the northern point of the UAE. It’s a horseshoe bend in the waters of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. The color variations in the water look to be algae growth being carried by currents that are swirling in circular motion to the east of the landmass. The two white lines in the bottom right corner of this image appear to be chem-trails of passing aircraft.

  22. Saeed Alizai says:

    Place is Arabian Gulf, Hermuz, tip of Oman mountains with Ophiolites and coast of Iran in the north known as Salt basin rocks. This area is very important because of shipping life line of the world. Therefore the safety of this is important for the flow of shipping line so that ships can pass through. Also Arabian Gulf shows gulf currents moving in circular patterns and water has algae bloom which can be seen as green shades.

  23. Keta says:

    Looks like an oil spill or algae bloom in the Gulf of Oman.

  24. Majid Masood Lodhi says:


    It looks like to me is an area between Persian Gulf and Gulf of Amman. Countries that sharing borders are IRAN and Arab Emirates. One of my interests is world’s natural deep shipping port Gwadar at Pakistan also lies in this image. As per my observation the water in the sea looks like eutrophication level is too high. May be some fuel or oil leakage make it disturbed.

    Take care
    Majid Lodhi

  25. Dan R. says:

    Dubai (UAE) to the south and Iran to the north, where the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf meet. Major shipping route. Can see that the land masses were together and then separated.

  26. John Barbieri says:

    The Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz, a strategic chokepoint during the era of “Hydrocarbon Man.” It is interesting to me for the discoloration of the waters between Oman and Iran, which could literappy be a carbon footprint from one of the great sources of pollution on the planet, marine vessels.

  27. Dan R. says:

    Revised response, expanding the scope:
    Dubai (UAE) to the south and Iran to the north, where the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf meet. Major shipping route. Can see that the land masses were together and then separated… fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. The colors in the water show the mixing of the waters of the two gulfs.

  28. Simon Erceg says:

    This is totally the Gulf of Oman. With Irn in the north, U.A.E in the far left and Oman to the bottom right.
    Can’t think of anything interesting off the top of my head, but I think the Zagroz mountains in Iran are probably in view.

  29. Al8ce Potgieter says:

    We are looking at the Arabian seas during the month of late April, beginning May. The Indian ocean flows into the Arabian sea from the south. That’s is when the airmasses get transformed in the lower layers of the sea. The humidity and temperatures change tremendously before the annual monsoon season in July.

  30. Mikey Wishniak says:

    Strait of Hormuz

  31. Michael says:

    Gulf of Oman
    Interesting for two reasons:
    1) geological-a rift/spreading zone
    2) biological-swirls of green algae indicating nutrient rich waters and poor water flow between Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea. Source of nutrients could be recent flooding in UAE.

  32. Ron says:

    A plankton bloom but have no idea where.

  33. Graham says:

    The Gulf of Oman, with Dubai on the southern shore projecting into the Strait of Hormuz, leading into the Persian Gulf to the west of the image.

  34. Paul Matsi says:

    Strait of Hormuz A strategic spot. The photo looks like it is illustrating the mixing of water from the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. Perhaps showing salinity or temperature.

  35. Leonello Del Signore says:

    Stretto di Suez

  36. LEONEL ZARATE says:

    Oman Gulf

  37. Ray Sutton says:

    Looks like the Gulf of Oman, and the Straight of Hormuz, because such a high percentage of the world’s oil traded and transported traverses this narrow strip each day. Currently, due to the instability in the Middle East and Persian Gulf, shipping is being endangered by belligerent forces, and the U.S. navy and allied navies are committed to keeping shipping safe and maintaining freedom of the seas in the region.

  38. Barbara Wolf says:

    This is the Musandam pensinsula projecting in the northwest corner, plus a good view over Oman and the Gulf of Oman with algae (?) currents.

  39. Mike McManus says:

    The straight of Hormuz. Interesting because of the algal blooms in the water.

  40. Domenico Fogazzi says:

    Red sea, Strait of Hormuz, interest due to the terroristic attacks by Houty against commercial ships

  41. Nerissa-Cesarina Urbani says:

    Arabian Sea

  42. Marco Bertazzoni says:

    Arabian Sea

  43. Ursula Duca says:

    Arabian Sea

  44. Peeter Zerblat says:

    Blooming of Noctiluca scintillans at the Gulf of Oman which causes mortality of other marine organisms.

  45. Najib belmekki says:

    The Arabian Sea

  46. A. Bond says:

    Well first the easy bit, this is an image of the Strait of Hormuz and the Gulf of Oman.
    The more complicated piece is the formation of an algal bloom and how eddy currents in the region are slowly mixing the bloom with the waters of the Arabian sea.

  47. Lillie Najafali says:

    Gulf of Oman

  48. k. michael marquardt says:

    The image shows the entrance to the Gulf of Persia.
    It matters because the pollution (green slicks) coming from the inside out is clearly visible.

  49. rudolf453 says:

    Straight of Hormuz
    Reason of green in the sea: phyto pollution and / or algic grow

  50. Kordač Ivan says:

    Gulf of Oman

    Enter to Persian Gulf with more than enough resourses for plankton … and algae
    with secondary death zones of water…

    On the picture pareidolia… 🙂

    North winds make clouds to the south
    Contrails …

  51. Arnoud ten Haaft says:

    Division between the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman with massive algae bloom

  52. Sanford Taly says:

    Suez canal. Important shipping lane.

  53. Neal Young says:

    Location: Image is oriented with North approximately upper-most, but actually rotated a small amount clockwise from North.

    The image is of the Persian Gulf in upper left connected via Hormuz Strait to Gulf of Oman and Arabian Sea to right / lower-right. Iran is the nation in the upper part of the frame, UAE is to the left south of the water-way, and Oman to the lower-right. The imaging instrument is likely to be MODIS on the Aqua satellite, because it is an afternoon acquisition. Clouds over the Arabian Peninsula (UAE and Oman) have shadows on the eastern side, hence sun is to the west, and therefore afternoon. Solar declination is about 13 deg N on 23 April, and Strait of Hormuz is at about latitude 26.5 N, so that sun is still in the south and that is consistent with appearance of cloud shadows, so perhaps a recent acquisition.

    A strong algal bloom is present in the Gulf of Oman, and it exhibits large scale patterns of oceanic gyres / eddies 100+ km across. The bloom extends a little to the west into the Persian Gulf, and merges / diffuses withe the deeper waters of the Arabian Sea to the east.

    Also visible in the image, are two linear white cloud features. The strongest feature is located to the east of the western-most cape of Oman (location of Turtle Resort in Oamn), and extending over 100+ km, oriented approximately WNW-ESE. The second of these two features is located NE from the first and its alignment is rotated clockwise from the first. The surface wind over Iran is from the North as indicated by cloud lines over the land and off the coast in the Persian Gulf. The two linear cloud features are likely to be associated with fronts generated by interaction of different wind directions down the Gulf of Oman and up from the Arabian Sea intersecting at about the western-most cape of Oman.

  54. Gerald Edward says:

    Straight of Hormuz near Kumzar including surrounding areas, gulf of Oman, Persian Gulf , Dubai Oman, Iran, Afghanistan
    possible wind blown sediment loads swirling in the gulf Oman near the Straight. Possible algael blooms.

  55. Manuel Osorio says:

    The location is the Strait of Ormuz and the Gulf of Oman. It’s interesting because the green indicated a phytoplankton bloom. Over the years, studies have shown that the Gulf of Oman has a very large “dead zone”, an area with low levels of oxygen in the water.

  56. Manuel Osorio says:

    The location is the Strait of Ormuz and the Gulf of Oman. It’s interesting because the green indicates a phytoplankton bloom. Over the years, studies have shown that the Gulf of Oman has a very large “dead zone”, an area with low levels of oxygen in the water.

  57. Дмитро says:

    Оманська затока! 25.340524, 57.217335 координати.
    В квітні місяці Оманська затока може зеленіти через феномен, відомий як “прилив квітів” або “весняний прилив”. Це явище стається завдяки великим кількостям мікроскопічних водоростей, відомих як fitoplankton, які ростуть у воді. У певних умовах, таких як висока температура води та високий рівень живлення, ці водорості розмножуються швидко, утворюючи густі маси, які можуть бути помічені навіть з космосу. Коли водорості великої кількості розмножуються, вони можуть надати воді зелену або навіть червону відтінок, залежно від виду водоростей та умов середовища.

  58. Peter Taylor says:

    It’s the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf The colour is caused by the dispersal of sediment carried by the Shatt al Arab waterway in the north of the Gulf. This comes from the fresh water of the Tigris, Euphrates and Karun rivers. As the dispersal progresses in the deep waters to the south the sediment gradually fades as it thins out in the water.

  59. Bea Alvarez says:

    Gulf of Oman and Dubai

    Showing nutrients going into gulf after recent flooding.

  60. John Farchette III says:

    Straits of Hormuz and it depicts a algal bloom at low tide.

  61. Tim says:

    The photo shows the strait of Hormuz and I think that it’s showing sediment in the sea brought about by a year’s rainfall falling in a day on Dubai and surrounding areas.

  62. Ernest Berkman says:

    The location is the Gulf of Oman.
    Perhaps it is a plankton growth or an oil spill.

  63. JDS says:

    Gulf of Oman… appears to be a bloom of some sort!

  64. Lucia Lovison-Golob says:

    The location is the strait of Homuz, between the promontary of Khasab to the west, and the Iranian Bandar Abbas-Minab-Sirik to the east, that seem to do an inprint with the water of the Persian (Arabian) gulf.

  65. Luke says:

    This image is of an algal bloom in the Gulf of Oman. The bloom largely occurs due to excess fertilizer runoff from nearby farmland, and appropriate water temperature. Water currents make it all gooey and swirly. It’s neat to look at but not nice for locals.

  66. Gerold Dreyer says:

    Algenblüte in der Strasse von Hormuz

  67. Guillermo Aguirre says:

    It is the península of Ras al Jaima, Sha’am, Jasab, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Oman, Irán.
    It shows rich phytoplankton

  68. Robert Weeks says:

    It appears to be the Strait of Hormuz

  69. Adrian Cotter says:

    Strait of Hormuz
    Mouth of the red sea and currently a choke point in the war on Gaza and related regional conflicts between Iran and the Houthis and Israeli.
    Also looking like a Harmful Algal Bloom is making war on the strait as well.
    There may also be a relation between the HAB and the war, with a vessel containing a 21k tonnes of fertilizer was sunk in the region.

  70. Nancy Berg says:

    Gulf of Oman?

  71. Fred Read says:

    Straight of Hormuz, between the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean.

  72. Erick A Vinther says:


  73. Hobart King says:

    North is at the top of this image and the landmass on the north side of the waterway is Iran. The landmass on the south side of the waterway is the Arabian Peninsula, where parts of the United Arab Emirates and Oman are visible.

    This image shows the most important maritime “hydrocarbon chokepoint” on earth – known as the “Strait of Hormuz”. An average of about 19 million barrels of crude oil and 10 billion cubic feet of liquified natural gas are transported through this waterway each day. A “hydrocarbon chokepoint” is a narrow waterway along a major oil and gas transportation route where tanker traffic is vulnerable to attack from land or sea. Assistance from other ships is limited in these straits because there is only one way in and one way out.

    Much of the crude oil transported through the Strait of Hormuz is from fields in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and Iraq. Most of the liquified natural gas is from fields in Qatar and Oman.

    The Musandam Peninsula of Oman forms the constriction point (chokepoint) of this waterway with the Gulf of Oman on the east and the Persian Gulf on the west. The passage between the Musandam Peninsula and Iran is the “Strait of Hormuz.

    The swirling green color of the water in the Gulf of Oman is caused by phytoplankton blooms in the surface waters. Phytoplankton are microscopic plant-like organisms that reproduce in great numbers when conditions of water chemistry, temperature, sunlight, and nutrients are favorable. When they become abundant their blooms can be clearly seen from space.

    The waters in the Gulf of Oman and especially the Persian Gulf are often hypersaline because of the high evaporation rates in this region.

  74. Rich Frank says:

    West to East, Persian Gulf into the Strait of Hormuz into the Gulf of Oman. Between Iran to the North and UAE and Oman to the South.

    Looking at greenish areas of pollution/stagnating water most likely due to a high concentration of shipping. Specifically, ships and tankers de-ballasting before entering the Persian Gulf, and a concentration of Naval vessels.

  75. Thomas says:

    Strait of Hormuz where most of Middle East oil exits the Persian Gulf to the Indian Ocean

  76. ant gall says:

    Strait of Hormuz

  77. Pam says:

    where: between the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf.
    What: looks like an algal bloom
    Why is it interesting: algal bloom is an indication of warming water due to climate change, it is showing some interesting gyre patterns of the current that seem to be compressing in on itself as it gets bottlenecked by the narrowing of the entrance to the Gulf (Strait of Hormuz)

  78. Robert Taylor says:

    Pictured is the Strait of Hormuz. It is the narrow entrance/egress to/from the Persian Gulf.

    Geopolitically, it is interesting because it is a very narrow passage through which a whole lot of petroleum products pass from nations like Kuwait, UAE, and Saudi Arabia pass en route to nations like the USA. It is also Iraq’s only access to shipping. And it is substantially controlled by Iran, Whose national boundaries include the entire eastern shoreline of this area. Lots of naval engagements were fought there during the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s. Historically when USA’s dependence on oil from the region was greater, this location was a place where lots of USA’s military power was projected.

    Because of its equatorial location, a lot of water evaporates from it and the water that remains is rather saltier than seawater in the Arabian Sea (and the world ocean beyond). More dense, saltier water flows out of the Strait of Hormuz along the seafloor (because saltier water is denser). Less salty seawater from the Arabian Sea (and world ocean) flows into the Persian Gulf near the surface (because it is less salty and therefore less dense). The Persian Gulf also suffers from a lot of oil spills, and agricultural and industrial pollution.

    The swirling colors seen in the contest image are presumably some manifestation of the mixing waters. Either those are wavelengths that can highlight differences in salinity and/or temperature, or possibly they represent algae blooms caused indirectly by the mixing of waters – maybe agricultural fertilizer runoff allows algae blooms when thit mixes with less salty water?

    And that’s my two cents about this image. I look forward to a more knowledgeable discussion of it from the good folks at NASA.

    Keep up the great work,

  79. RAFAEL PERALTA says:

    Strait of Hormuz, Gulf of Oman on the right.

  80. Bill Ossmann says:

    Gulf of Oman and Strait of Hormuz leading into the Persian Gulf.
    The green color (phytoplankton bloom?) highlights at least three circulating gyres in the Gulf of Oman. It also looks like several smoke plumes in Iran on the north side of the gulf.

  81. Leonel Concha says:

    Estrecho de Hormuz entre la peninsula arábiga e Iran

  82. mike says:

    strait of hormuz

  83. Ayesha Mariam says:

    The puzzle image shows the satellite reflectance image of the northwestern Arabian Sea and its surrounding coasts. It is the most productive oceanic region, where several monsoon-related activities occur and contribute to an upsurge in the nutrient contents in the euphoric zone.

  84. Adel R. Moustafa says:

    This satellite image is for the Strait of Hormuz between the Arabian Gulf (to the west) and the Gulf of Oman (to the east and southeast). You can see in this image the mountinous areas of Oman (south of the gulf) which has outcrops of world-class rocks called the Oman Ophiolites. These rocks represent the crust of an old ocean placed on top of the SE side of Arabia ~65 million years ago. You can also see the mountainous area of SE Iran (Makran Mountains) north of the gulf. Makran Mountains represent the upper plate of a compressional (subduction) zone between the Arabian Plate and the Iranian Plate. The green color in the water of the Gulf of Oman is most probably phytoplankton in the sea water.
    Adel R. Moustafa
    Ain Shams University
    Cairo, Egypt.

  85. Bernhard Glocker says:

    This picture shows partially the Arabian peninsula, the Persian gulf, street of Hormus and the south of Iran. The outstanding point in this picture is the rather big green algae bloom. Intense rain during April may have washed out a greater amount of nutrients from the coastal (farmland) areas in the region enriching the ocean with nitrates and phosphates as well as some micro-nutrients supporting a strong algal growth.

  86. Georg says:

    Looks like algae bloom in the Arabian Sea and the Strait of Hormuz.

  87. Ira McIntosh says:

    It’s the strait of Hormuz swirling with plankton blooms between the Arabian peninsula and Iran.

  88. Jaan Rönkkö says:

    This might be an oil spill in the Gulf of Oman. Oil spills are toxic for marine environments and it is interesting as its extent and movements are visible in this image.

  89. Timotheus Fasanya says:

    This is the Hormuz strait during peak vegetation of algae using a band 3- near infrared light of an Ocean Color Instrument (OCI) of a PACE satellite.

  90. Ben Lord says:

    Looks like an algae bloom in the Strait of Hormuz!

  91. Bryan Pines says:

    Strait of Hormuz
    A very large Algal bloom in the warm waters of the Gulf oof Oman

  92. Jim says:

    Plankton blooms in the Strait of Hormuz and Gulf of Oman

  93. Mike Simmons says:

    This is the Persian Gulf and the narrow part is the Hormuz Strait. Above is Iran and below a few Gulf States. The island in the Hormuz Strait that’s shaped like a fish is Qeshm, which I’ve been to. The culture there and nearby on the Iranian mainland is largely Arab rather than Persian. This narrow strait is important because it’s the narrowest part of a waterway through which a large fraction of the world’s oil comes through. With Iran on one side, US-aligned Gulf States on the other and Iraq farther to north (left in the image) it’s a very sensitive area.

  94. M. J. says:

    Gulf of Oman

  95. ger mulvey says:

    The Straight of Hormuz

  96. Soren says:

    Phytoplankton bloom in the Gulf of Oman

  97. Cameron Atsumi says:

    Gulf of Oman, a large marine dead zone from runoff and fertilizers.
    The green swirls are either algae blooms or pollution from oil drilling.

  98. Martin Lowry says:

    Strait of Hormuz, Gulf of Oman
    Massive algal bloom.

  99. Poorna Sreeram says:

    This picture shows the algae growth in the water body area near Saudi Arabia and Egypt. I can also show the low quality water in this area.

  100. John Mitrakas says:

    That’s easy, Persian golf, Oman golf and the Hormouz straight’s.

  101. Prakash Chauhan says:

    Massive Phytoplankton bloom captured in Gulf of Oman, North Western Arabian Sea. This bloom is a regular phenomenon during winter months and is known as Noctiluca bloom often captured by Ocean Colour sensors such as MODIS Aqua, NPP VIIRS etc.

    In this image the green colour of sea water is associated with a mesoscale eddy often seen in Gulf of Oman.

  102. Jennifer Schopf Rehage says:

    Gulf of Oman, Straits of Hormuz with a giant algal bloom

  103. Michael says:

    Gulf of Oman
    Interesting for two reasons:
    1) geological-a rift/spreading zone
    2) biological-swirls of green algae indicating nutrient rich waters

  104. Michael Bovy says:

    Plankton at the Strait of Hormuz.

  105. howard warriner says:

    Massive blooms of a marine organism called Noctiluca scintillans are currently threatening fisheries, tourism and desalination plants in the Arabian Sea.

  106. Will Howard says:

    It’s the Strait of Hormuz between the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman. From the pattern it looks like phytoplankton blooms, sensed using MODIS.

  107. Tyler Knapp says:

    This is the Gulf of Oman. Warm water from the Persian gulf mixing with the cooler waters of the Arabian sea create a dramatic thermocline gradient creating the beautiful spirals seen in the image. The green color most likely is a mix of phytoplankton and algae blooms. The darker brown colors may be sediments from the Strait of Hormuz seen in the top left.

  108. Adriano Rodriguez says:

    Ormuz strait with a surge of plankton on the indian ocean side.

  109. Nigel Pope says:

    My guess would be the amazing quantity of a a green algae bloom in the Gulf of Oman, possibly caused by the run off of the water from the recent storms in the area.

  110. Andrew Spangler says:

    This image shows the coastal currents along the Gulf of Oman. The circular patterns are created by the outward flow of water from the Persian Gulf, the inward flow of water from the Indian Ocean, and the eastward currents along the southern coast of Oman. The image appears to be taken using a coastal aerosol band from Landsat 8/9.

  111. Steven D. Moffitt, Ph.D. says:

    Satellite image of the green tide in the Gulf of Oman.

  112. Juan Manuel Bazan says:

    La imagen corresponde a el Golfo de Omán donde se ve la floración de fitoplancton desde el espacio.

  113. Shahrooz Pirkoohi Ghasemi says:

    Hi ,This phenomenon observed in the Strait of Hormuz, situated within the Oman Sea and extending into the Persian Gulf, involves an algal bloom triggered by upwelling oceanic currents. The entrance of iron nutrients from the depths of the Oman Sea to the water’s surface contributes to the proliferation of algae. Modis was among the instruments utilized to track and monitor this occurrence.
    Shahrooz Pirkoohi
    GIS Coordinator
    Tlicho First Nations Government,
    Behchoko, NT, Canada

  114. Matjaz says:

    Strait of Hormuz and Gulf of Oman

  115. Kev says:

    Its where the Persian Gulf and the Oman Gulf meet.